Rule # 5

Myth: "The arm opposite the kicking leg is insignificant to the ball strike. The arm can move in any direction prior to the ball strike without having positive or adverse effects on the strike."


Although people believe that the arm has some significance to the ball strike, not many fully address it's importance.

1. The opposite arm completes the pre-stretch of the body. If the arm does not get lifted to shoulder height or if it gets lifted too far above shoulder height, the stretch becomes incomplete.

2. By moving the opposite arm out to the side, the ball striker will also be moving weight and the center of gravity outside of the body to help with the body lean.

3. "Belly-button to Shoulder Height" is a way to explain the movement of the hand. Watch for players that swing their arm up over head height, or swing it low then up to shoulder height.

4. As a general rule, move the arm up to shoulder height and then back across the body as the ball striker begins to move the foot down to the ball. By moving the arm across the body, this brings the center of gravity back within the ball striker's body.